At the police station you will be asked many questions.
At the police station after an arrest—whether it is for a DUI or other charge—you will be asked questions, but you don’t need to answer all of them.
Be polite and answer questions. Give your name, address, phone number, date of birth, and social security number, but that should be it. Answer much of anything else and you risk incriminating yourself. Remember that you have a right to remain silent.
And most importantly, assert your right to an attorney; do not answer any more questions until you talk to one.
You will be asked to take a chemical test.
You face harsher penalties if you do not take this chemical test. If it is your first offense they cannot force you to take this urine or blood test. Refusal to take the test does have consequences. First, the mandatory is day hard suspension associated with the ALS double and becomes thirty days. The ALS suspension time increases from ninety days to one year. Despite these facts, a refusal could drastically increase your ability to ___ your DUI at trial.
To learn more about what to do at the police station and how to handle your arrest, please see these pages on our website:
- What should I do if my child has been arrested?
- What steps should I take if I’m pulled over for a DUI?
- Cincinnati, OHIO DUI Guide