Criminal Defense Lawyer, Cincinnati OH

Our Practice Areas

Successful criminal defense relies on skill and experience. Knowing how to accentuate the strengths of the case you are presenting while weakening the prosecution’s explanation of the facts or legal theory is a skill set that an attorney must continually hone in the courtroom. Our attorneys bring decades of combined experience in defending DUI/OVI charges and a full range of other criminal charges.

Our Practice Areas

Fighting Serious Criminal Charges in Cincinnati, Ohio

At The Farrish Law Firm, L.P.A., our Ohio criminal defense attorneys offer preeminent skilled and experienced DUI/OVI defense and representation against all other criminal charges. Attorney Kelly Farrish is recognized as one of the top DUI/OVI defense attorneys in the Cincinnati area. Other attorneys at the firm bring the experience of a former prosecutor for Hamilton County and that of a former constable to the aid of our clients.

Experienced Cincinnati Criminal Defense Lawyers

We offer sound criminal counsel on the following charges and issues:

  • DUI/OVI defense — Drunk driving charges have serious penalties, and the penalties escalate dramatically for repeat offenses.
  • Repeat and felony DUI/OVI defense — Stiff prison sentences, vehicle forfeiture and mandatory rehabilitation programs for alcohol or drug abuse are only a few of the penalties you could face as a repeat or felony-level offender.
  • Underage DUI/minor in possession — Alcohol-related charges can harm a minor’s future through creating a black mark on background checks for jobs, college or housing.
  • DUI/OVI and driver’s license suspensions — DUI/OVI is just one of the possible bases for a suspension of driver’s license. We can help you defend or regain your driving privileges.
  • Out-of-state DUI/OVI — Let us help you with the difficulty presented by an out-of state DUI/OVI.
  • Breath tests and field sobriety tests — Field sobriety tests, including hand-held Breathalyzers, are not helpful, and there is no penalty for refusing to submit to those tests.
  • Traffic violations — Traffic tickets accumulate points on your license and affect insurance rates. Paying your ticket is an admission of guilt. You can fight your ticket.
  • Criminal defense — The Farrish Law Firm, L.P.A., offers sound criminal defense against all charges.
  • Drug charges — If you are facing serious drug charges, our firm can bring decades of skilled representation to your defense.

Contact Our Talented Team

When facing DUI/OVI charges and other criminal charges, the Farrish Law Firm should be your first call. Speak directly to attorneys with decades of experience 24 hours a day because your life cannot wait. Call 513-549-0611, or simply contact us online to set up your free initial consultation. Telephones are answered 24 hours a day. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Payment plans are available.

Cincinnati Defense Lawyer Kelly Farrish


Kelly Farrish always knew he wanted to be an attorney, but he the path he took to get there isn’t like most. He served five years in the United States Air Force and did two voluntary years in South Vietnam. When he returned to Cincinnati, he worked the midnight shift as a technician at Cincinnati Bell, all the while attending college full time year round for three years. He graduated Cum Laude from the University of Cincinnati. [ ATTORNEY BIO ]

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Don’t wait to call. Request your FREE consultation. We defend you, 24/7.

    Divider Icon, Cincinnati DUI Attorney Kelly Farrish

    "His years of experience and knowledge were clearly evident and un-refutable. From the moment we met him we had absolutely no doubt that we had complete professionalism at our service and we could not have chosen a more qualified attorney."


    "I had a number of charges and ended up getting acquitted of all of them. I truly believe his knowledge and persistence is what got me through this case. I am very grateful and highly recommend him for his services."


    "I highly recommend Mr. Farrish. He is very thorough and is well liked by all of the courts. A genuine attorney and you couldn't find a better in the area."


    "The absolute best DUI lawyer in the tri state. Just short of a miracle worker"

    What is the Difference between a DUI, DWI, OMVI and OVI?

    Did you know there’s no real difference between the terms DUI, DWI, OMVI, and OVI? Ohio’s used all of these acronyms at one point or another in our history. Check out the timeline below and what they stand for here! Call our DUI and criminal defense attorneys in Cincinnati today if you have questions, we can help.[...]