We know this is easier said than done. Being pulled over is scary, especially if it is your first time. Take a deep breath, pull over to the side of the road, and wait for the police officer to come to your car.
Maybe you were in a hurry, or you weren’t even speeding. Regardless about how you feel about getting pulled over, you should speak politely with the police officer. It is frustrating to be pulled over, especially if they are wrongfully suspicious of your drinking and driving, but this step is crucial. This politeness should be maintained throughout the rest of the process. You can be forceful in your responses, but respectful.
Many people remember this right, but they remember it too late. You can call your Cincinnati DUI lawyer as soon as you are pulled over.
To make it a little less stressful at the time of the stop, you may want to put our 24-hour contact number in your phone now.
The question you may be asking yourself now, though, is, “Who is my lawyer?” If you’ve never been arrested for a DUI charge or any other criminal charge in Cincinnati, it is likely that you can’t immediately think of a lawyer to call.
Call a lawyer that you trust to give you sound advice.
When people call Kelly Farrish, and they have been pulled over, he will ask you a few questions:
He will ask you those questions in order to give you advice on how you should proceed. Be honest in your answers.
One of the first questions the police officer may ask you is whether or not you’ve been drinking that evening. Regardless of your answer, if they suspect you of drinking and driving, they will ask you to take a breathalyzer and/or go through other field sobriety tests.
What if you have been drinking? If have been drinking, do not take the breathalyzer test until you’ve spoken with us. Firmly state that your lawyer, Kelly Farrish, told you that you do not need to take them. You can even request to call your lawyer. When you do, Kelly will ask you the above questions (See Step 2).
Kelly will most likely tell you to not take the breathalyzer or field sobriety tests. The officer may let you go on your way and drive to your destination.
What if you only had one drink? If you had one drink–let’s say it was three hours prior to being pulled over– Kelly may advise you to cooperate with the officers and take the tests. It is likely your BAC will not register above the legal limit.
What if you haven’t been drinking? If you haven’t been drinking and you respond as so to the police officer, by all means, take the breathalyzer, knowing that you will register at a zero.
At the end of the day, it is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to both breathalyzer and field sobriety tests.
Breathalyzers are unreliable and their results are not always completely accurate. However, they hold up in court. Don’t take the breathalyzer test.
Field sobriety tests aren’t easy, even for the most coordinated people. They involve heavy concentration. The thing about field sobriety tests is that police officers aren’t necessarily watching to make sure you complete every step correctly. They’re watching your conduct as you do them for signs of inebriation. The results of these are very subjective, and even if you are not intoxicated, you can still make a costly mistake that could lead to an arrest.
What happens if you are arrested and taken to the police station?Kelly Farrish always knew he wanted to be an attorney, but he the path he took to get there isn’t like most. He served five years in the United States Air Force and did two voluntary years in South Vietnam. When he returned to Cincinnati, he worked the midnight shift as a technician at Cincinnati Bell, all the while attending college full time year round for three years. He graduated Cum Laude from the University of Cincinnati. [ ATTORNEY BIO ]