The craft beer revolution has taken Cincinnati, Ohio by storm. From MadTree to Rhinegeist, Braxton Brewery to Listerman’s, these breweries have made the Queen City a destination for quality craft beer.
Options are endless; individuals flock to these breweries and request them at local bars because of the unique taste and/or seasonal flavor, but they sometimes forget: these local craft beers are high in alcohol content. And you have to remember; one beer isn’t equivalent to one drink. In the case of some local craft beers, one beer is equivalent to two (or more).
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, one standard drink has 14 grams of alcohol.
Translation: 12 ounces of “regular” beer. Beer typically has about 5% of alcohol.
But when was the last time you looked at how many grams of alcohol your glass of beer contained? Most likely—never.
However, this information is very, very important, especially if you drove yourself and/or your family to the bar or brewery. Drinking and driving is a serious offense here in Cincinnati, Ohio. At The Farrish Law Firm, L.P.A., we dedicate our lives as DUI attorneys to fighting for people when they’ve been charged with a DUI, but we also care about educating people in Cincinnati about how to avoid getting a DUI.
One way to avoid getting a DUI is to know your limits; and it is especially important to know your limits when it comes to craft beer consumption.
If your friend asked you if you were able to drive, how would you judge? Many people base it off of three things:
While all of these factors do affect your BAC, along with your BMI and metabolic rate, the first one—how many drinks they’ve had—isn’t as easy to determine as it seems, especially if there was craft beer involved.
Use our craft beer BAC calculator to understand how these local brews affect you differently than a light beer with a lower alcohol percentage.
Know that the purpose of this BAC calculator is to show you just how much alcohol is in your favorite local craft beers so that you can drink responsibly and better know your limits.
Click here to use our Cincinnati Craft Beer Calculator.