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New Driving Restrictions to Keep Teens Safe on the Road

New Driving Restrictions to Keep Teens Safe on the Road

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15- to 20-year-olds, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This is why Ohio has taken strides to keep inexperienced teen drivers safe on the road.

As of July 8, 2015, drivers who are issued a probationary license are restricted on when they can drive and how many passengers can be in the car. In the past, these restrictions were based on the age of the driver, but this new driving law is based on the experience of the driver.

Changing the driving times and passenger limitations is the result of the state’s “Drive Toward a Safer Ohio Initiative.” In an effort to increase the experience of young drivers, these restrictions during the first 12 months of driving are designed to reduce their risks while helping them become safer drivers.

What Do These New Restrictions Mean for Teen Drivers?

The following restrictions are now in place for probationary drivers under the age of 18 during the first 12 months of possessing a driver’s license:

  • No driving between midnight and 6:00 a.m., unless that driver is accompanied by a parent or guardian. The only individuals exempt from this restriction are those with valid documentation from work, school, or church, allowing for travel during these hours.
  • No driving is allowed with more than one non-family member in the vehicle.
  • All passengers must wear safety belts at all times.
  • No use of mobile communication devices while operating the vehicle.

Driver Safety is a Group Effort

Your teen may walk out of the BMV with a license, but honing their driving skills takes time. Helping young drivers develop the faculties to make safe decisions on the road requires the time, patience, and the expertise of many—qualified driving instructors, involved parents, concerned schools, and those at the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

For more information about driver safety, visit Ohio Driver Training.

If you have questions about these new restrictions or any other Ohio driving laws, do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at The Farrish Law Firm, L.P.A. today.

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