Category: Ohio Driving Laws

Category: Ohio Driving Laws

SCOTUS to Rule on Drunk Driving Tests

On December 11, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) agreed to hear several cases that could change drunk driving investigations nationwide. These cases relate to whether or not a search warrant is necessary before forcing someone to take a breath or blood test to measure his breath or blood alcohol content (BAC). If SCOTUS rules that forced BAC testing without a search warrant is unconstitutional, the decision would force changes in Ohio law. Wha[ ... ]

New Driving Restrictions to Keep Teens Safe on the Road

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15- to 20-year-olds, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This is why Ohio has taken strides to keep inexperienced teen drivers safe on the road. As of July 8, 2015, drivers who are issued a probationary license are restricted on when they can drive and how many passengers can be in the car. In the past, these restrictions were based on the age of the driver, but this new dri[ ... ]

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